How bad it can be-Dairy Products

How bad it can be-Dairy Products
Wednesday 11 July 2012

MILK, CHEESE and DAIRY (including cheese, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, white salad dressings etc)
Countries consuming the most milk products also have the highest rates of degenerating bone disease (like osteoporosis), heart disease, breast cancer, allergies, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. The United States consumes more dairy than the rest of the world put together and yet has the highest levels of osteoporosis and weak bones in the world.

Milk does NOT put calcium in our bones- it does the opposite- it PULLS calcium from our bones making them weak, soft and brittle. Why ? Because dairy products are acidic to our body, which forces our body to protect itself by pulling alkaline minerals from wherever it can get it- namely our bones- to neutralize the acids. This ironically leads to calcium deficiency. Cow's milk is not the same as human milk. The calcium in cows milk or cheese is not the same as calcium from organic plant sources like leafy greens (that's where cows get their calcium !).
Milk and cheese are the leading cause of arthritis, constipation, allergies, asthma, colic, sinus issues, heart disease, ovarian problems, anemia, insulin-dependent diabetes, cataracts, obesity, congestion, lung problems and even cancer. It has been directly linked to heart attacks and stroke. When people are autopsied, they cut open the heart and all this white thick goo pours out... guess what it is ? Calcium plaque ! That's like trying to use cement instead of oil in your car's engine.
Dairy creates mucus which clogs up our intestines, lungs and reproductive systems, overloading them with slimy mucus that smothers our cells so they can't breathe. When white spots start appearing on different parts of the body, it means fat and mucus has spread throughout the respiratory and reproductive systems. Hormonal imbalances often result, including thyroid, pancreatic and gonad functions. This condition results in
cysts and tumors, eventually leading to cancer, especially breast, colon and reproductive areas. All animal products lead to fat and cholesterol deposits in the arteries and heart, lining them with a white thick pasty cement made of inorganic calcium.
Nothing clogs up your intestines faster than cheese and dairy. It is glue. Cows milk contains higher levels of saturated fat than human milk, meaning cholesterol buildup and blood circulation problems in babies and adults.
Too much bad unusable calcium is actually the real cause of osteoporosis. Milk and cheese is one reason more women are dying today of heart problems and cancer than ever before. People have all kinds of inorganic calcium clogging up their bodies and hardly any good absorbable calcium. If you think cheese isn't an addictive substance, try and separate a woman from cheese. Pasteurizing milk (boiling at high temperature) kills the enzymes, so the milk cannot be properly digested. The pancreas can't replace these missing , so here comes diabetes.
Homogenizing milk makes fat particles so tiny they go through the intestinal mucus, directly into the bloodstream where they become an alien substance ( like hydrogenated oils or margarine) that he body doesn't know what to do with, it so it accumulates in the arteries, joints, heart and other organs.
Pasteurized milk is dead food. Calves (baby cows) fed pasteurized milk normally die after 8 weeks !
Even if you drank it raw, you wouldn't want to. Most cows are sick and diseased. They are milked by a machine causing blood and pus to be in the milk.
When a human drinks milk, only half of the protein is used, the rest becomes foreign protein in the body... and foreign proteins are the number one cause of all disease in humans. It puts a serious strain on the kidneys ( the kidneys of a meat eater or someone who drinks milk or eats cheese) has to work 3 times harder than the kidneys of a vegetarian. They ultimately turn to stone. It's very hard on a baby because the kidneys aren't even fully formed yet.
A 12 year Harvard study of 72,000 showed those who drank the most milk (3 or more glasses a day) had more bone fractures than those who drank very little. Where do cows and horses, goats and elephants get calcium ? From grass. Greens have more nutrition than almost anything on the planet. The best way to make greens digestible for humans is to put them in a blender with some fruit. That makes all the nutrients
instantly absorb able.
I know its very difficult to avoid the things that you probably have eaten your whole life, but you can minimize its use and gradually decrease it till the time you leave it completely for better.
Reference text taken from the book HEAL YOURSELF 101 by Markus Rothkranz

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